Who We Are

 Who We Are

Click HERE to find out what’s going on this week at NCTC.

Welcome to New Circle Theatre Company! We are the descendant of the Circle Rep Lab,
which was the development wing of Circle Rep, founded in 1969.

Our mission is to incubate bold new plays.

We do so with Monday night readings, two week script-focused development workshops, and AEA-Approved showcase productions in “The Sandbox,” our black-box theater on 44th Street just east of Times Square.

We read new plays most Monday nights at 7, with doors opening at 6:30.
Readings are followed by a 20-minute moderated talkback for the benefit of the playwright.

We are always looking for new collaborators - playwrights, actors, directors, designers, crew and audience members.

To get involved, join us on a Monday night and see what we do!

To find out more, please sign up for our weekly newsletter

…or send an email to the Leadership Team for more information.

We hope to see you soon!

The Michael Warren Powell Creative Center, 140 W 44th St., #2, NY NY 10036