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By Robert Wray
Directed by Tina J. Ball

Oct 17-27
Thurs - Sats at 7pm  *  Suns at 2pm

140 W. 44th #2
NY, NY 10036

Tickets $20
Seating is limited, so please secure your seats soon.

Judith Barcroft*
Joe Hamel*
Aaron Hoffman
Amanda Ladd*
Jennifer Laine Williams*

(AEA approved showcase; * denotes appearing courtesy of AEA)

Stage Managed by Grace Kho & Gabrielle Rodriguez

In September, sometime in the early 2000s, a young New York City lawyer named Henry Byers returns to his home in Ocean View, Virginia, where he tracks down his estranged father in hopes of healing wounds from the past. But it's the malleability of time and the unearthing of long hidden family secrets which ultimately shape his quest for the fragile truth of his tenuous identity.